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Money & Taxes System

Q: What is the difference between the two money boost systems?

A: One is permission-based and the other one is bound to the harvester hoe item. If you happen to have both (permission and a harvester hoe with a boost), the boosts will stack.

Q: How do I use the money boost system?

A: You first have to configure whether you want to grab the highest boost available for the player or the lowest boost. The highest works best for when your higher groups (that may inherit permissions lower ones) have a higher boost rate percentage. The lowest works best for when higher groups (that may inherit permissions from lower ones) have a smaller boost rate percentage. For the highest, you set MAX inside the configuration (moneyboost.decideFor section), for the lowest you set MIN inside the configuration. After that, you just have to add permissions to players/groups like this "scyther.moneyboost.<integer>", for example, "scyther.moneyboost.10".

Q: How do I use the taxing system?

A: You first have to configure whether you want to grab the highest tax available for the player or the lowest tax. The highest works best for when your higher groups (that may inherit permissions lower ones) have a higher tax rate percentage. The lowest works best for when higher groups (that may inherit permissions from lower ones) have a smaller tax rate percentage. For the highest, you set MAX inside the configuration (tax.decideFor section), for the lowest you set MIN inside the configuration. After that, you just have to add permissions to players/groups like this "<integer>", for example, "". Please note that taxing happens last (after any modifiers/boosts have modified the sell price).