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Executing Commands

📍 Note: Bukkit commands are basically any command that can be run on the server. This does not include specific cases such as CloudNet commands.

Execute bukkit commands

Simply add the command to the commands list without the "/".

Execute interval bukkit commands

Simply add [time:x] in front of the command (x being the amount of seconds before the restart happens). For example "[time:10] time set day" will execute the command "time set day" 10 seconds before the restart.`

Execute day-specific commands

You can set UAR to run commands on specific days only. To achieve that you need to add a "day tag", after the command type tag (does not include normal bukkit commands). Available tags: [MONDAY], [TUESDAY], [WEDNESDAY], [THURSDAY], [FRIDAY], [SATURDAY], [SUNDAY]

Correct Format:
- '[time:5] [MONDAY] broadcast Happy monday!' -> Will execute 5 seconds before the restart only on mondays!

Incorrect Format:
- '[MONDAY] [time:5] broadcast Happy monday!' -> Will execute 5 seconds before the restart only on mondays!

Other examples:
- '[proxy] [WEDNESDAY] alert It is wednesday and the server is restarting!'
- '[proxy:5] [WEDNESDAY] alert It is wednesday and the server will restart in 5 seconds!'
- '[proxydelay:30] [MONDAY] alert It is Monday, the server should be back up!
- '[time: 10] [FRIDAY] broadcast Happy weekend, the server will restart in 10 seconds!'
- '[SUNDAY] give @a diamond 1'