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Commands & Permissions


  • /lsc set [player] [amount] <-s>
    • Set a player's hearts (must be within range defined in the config)
    • The <-s> argument is optional; if used, it will not inform the affected user about the command actions
  • /lsc setmax [player] [amount] <-s>
    • Set the maximum amount of hearts a player can accumulate
  • /lsc addmax [player] [amount] <-s>
    • Add to the maximum amount of hearts a player can accumulate
  • /lsc remmax [player] [amount] <-s>
    • Remove from the maximum amount of hearts a player can accumulate
  • /lsc add [player] [amount] <-s>
    • Add to a player's hearts (final amount must be within range defined in the config)
  • /lsc remove [player] [amount] <-s>
    • Remove player hearts (must be less or equal to their current hearts)
  • /lsc eliminate [player] <-s>
    • Eliminate a player (ban time depends on the ban profiles in config)
  • /lsc revive [player] <-s>
    • Revive an eliminated player
  • /lsc status [player]
    • View information about a player (if banned, ban time, and hearts amount)
  • /lsc giveitem [player] [item] [amount] <-s>
    • Give an item to an online player
  • /lsc togglerevives [true/false]
    • Toggle beacon activation (if set to false, players won't be able to place down beacons)
  • /lsc manualkill [victim] [killer]
    • Manually fire a kill event
  • /lsc search [keyword]
    • Search log files for the provided keyword (a new file will be generated with all of the found items)
  • /lsc reload
    • Reload the plugin configuration
  • /lsc version
    • View the plugin's version and if updates are available
  • /lsc debuginfo
    • View debug information

Admin Permissions

  • lsc.admin
    • Access to admin menu and tab-completion
  • lsc.admin.set
    • Access to set command
  • lsc.admin.setmax
    • Access to setmax command
  • lsc.admin.addmax
    • Access to addmax command
  • lsc.admin.remmax
    • Access to remmax command
  • lsc.admin.add
    • Access to add command
  • lsc.admin.remove
    • Access to remove command
  • lsc.admin.eliminate
    • Access to eliminate command
  • lsc.admin.revive
    • Access to revive command
  • lsc.admin.status
    • Access to status command
  • lsc.admin.giveitem
    • Access to giveitem command
  • lsc.admin.togglerevives
    • Access to togglerevives command
  • lsc.admin.manualkill
    • Access to manualkill command
    • Access to search command
  • lsc.admin.reload
    • Access to reload command
  • lsc.admin.version
    • Access to version command
  • lsc.admin.debuginfo
    • Access to debuginfo command

User Permissions - Usage

  • lsc.user.use.hearts
    • Access to use hearts
  • lsc.user.use.effecthearts
    • Access to use effect hearts (sacrificial scrolls)
  • lsc.user.use.beacons
    • Access to use revive beacons
  • lsc.user.command.beaconbind
    • Access to use the bind command on beacons
  • lsc.user.command.revive
    • Access to use the revive command if enabled
  • lsc.user.command.check
    • Access to use the check command if enabled

User Permissions - Cooldown Bypass

  • lsc.user.cooldowns.use.hearts
    • Bypass cooldown to use hearts
  • lsc.user.cooldowns.use.effecthearts
    • Bypass cooldown to use effect hearts
  • lsc.user.cooldowns.use.beacons
    • Bypass cooldown to use revive beacons
  • lsc.user.cooldowns.command.revive
    • Bypass cooldown to use the revive command