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Commands & Permissions


📋 /ultimateautorestart, /uar, /ar

  • /uar now [interval] <reason> - Triggers a restart at the provided interval (in seconds or "HOUR:MINUTE" format) as though it were scheduled, you can also define a reason which is optional.
  • /uar delay [interval] - Delays the restart by the interval provided (in seconds or "HOUR:MINUTE" format).
  • /uar stop - Stop the restart interval.
  • /uar time - View the current interval.
  • /uar reload - Reload the plugin configuration.
  • /uar version - View the plugin's version/if updates are available.
  • /uar debug [feature] - Debug a plugin feature. Features: Webhook

Admin Permissions

  • uar.admin - Access to admin menu/tab-completion.
  • - Access to now command.
  • uar.admin.delay - Access to delay command.
  • uar.admin.stop - Access to stop command.
  • uar.admin.debug - Access to debug command.
  • uar.admin.reload - Access to reload command.
  • uar.admin.version - Access to version command.
  • uar.admin.license - Access to license command.

Staff Permissions

  • uar.staff.notifydelay - Receive information about restart delays.

📍 Note: Players without permissions will be able to see the restart time when using UAR's commands, there's no explicit permission to view it.