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Commands & Permissions


📋 Commands: /scyther, /hoe, /harvester

  • /scyther give [user] [amount] [uses] [sell mult.] [drop mult.] <-s> - Give a harvester hoe to a user.

    • [user] argument must be an online player or "@a" (to give everyone online the hoe).
    • [amount] argument must be a positive integer.
    • [uses] argument must be a positive integer or "infinite" (for infinite uses).
    • [sell mult.] argument must be a positive Double (e.g 2.5).
    • [drop mult.] argument must be a positive integer (e.g 1).
    • <-s> argument is optional and if used it will silently give the harvester hoe the user.
    • Example: /scyther give N0RSKA 1 100 2.5 1 -s will silently give the user N0RSKA, 1 (one) harvester hoe with 100 (one hundred) uses, a x2.5 sell multiplier and a x1.0 drop multiplier.
  • /scyther reload - Reload the plugin configuration.

  • /scyther version - View the plugin's version/if updates are available.

  • /scyther debuginfo - View debug information.


  • scyther.commands - Access Scyther's commands/menu.

  • scyther.give - Access to /scyther give.

  • scyther.reload - Access to /scyther reload.

  • scyther.version - Access to /scyther version.

  • scyther.use - Ability to use the harvester hoe in-game.

  •<integer> - Custom taxes for users that have this permission.

    • <integer> argument must be a positive integer and is a percentage.
    • Example: A user with will get taxed 10% of each autosell sale.
  • scyther.moneyboost.<integer> - Custom money boost for users that have this permission.

    • <integer> argument must be a positive integer and is a percentage.
    • Example: A user with scyther.moneyboost.25 will receive 25% more money from each autosell sale.
  • scyther.patches.offhand - Bypass for the offhand patch, only applies if the patch is active.

  • scyther.patches.cane - Bypass for the cane placement patch, only applies if the patch is active.

  • scyther.patches.dispensers - Bypass for the dispensers patch, only applies if the patch is active.

📍 Note: There's a separate wiki section for the taxing/moneyboost features, check it out!