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Executing Proxy Commands

Add support for proxy commands

UltimateAutoRestart supports both Bungeecord (and forks) and Velocity. In order to execute commands via your proxy a separate addon plugin must be installed on your proxy. You can find the Bungeecord Passthrough plugin here, and the Velocity Passthrough plugin here.

Execute proxy commands

Add [proxy] in front of your command (example -> "[proxy] alert Server is restarting"), this will execute the command via your proxy when the server restarts. However, it is recommended to use timed commands because proxy commands might not have time to be sent (because the server stops). Find out about timed commands below.

Execute interval proxy commands

Add [proxy:x] (where x is the time in seconds) infront of your command (example -> "[proxy:5] alert Server is restarting"), this will execute the command via your proxy 5 seconds before the server restarts.

Execute scheduled proxy commands

There is a difference between timed and scheduled proxy commands. The difference being that scheduled commands are scheduled on the proxy itself instead of the bukkit server. This allows you to execute proxy commands x seconds after your bukkit server stops. Add [proxydelay:x] (where x is the time in seconds) in front of your command (example -> "[proxydelay:30] alert The server is back up!"), this will execute the command via your proxy 30 seconds after your bukkit server stopped (restarted).

Issues with proxy commands

This is a messaging channel limitation and there's nothing I (as the developer of the plugin) can do something about. In order for proxy commands to execute there needs to be an online player on the server that UAR (not proxy version) is installed on. The scheduled proxy commands partially fix this issue.