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API for integrating with the DeluxeWithdraw plugin.

Maven Integration



Creating Addons (Custom Currencies)

To implement a custom economy/currency, you need to create an addon plugin with the API (links above). Your plugin needs to depend on DeluxeWithdraw and load after it. You will find code examples below.

IMPORTANT! In order for everything to be tidy, if you make a custom addon with a configuration file, it should be generated at this path /plugins/DeluxeWithdraw/addons.

  1. Create a class that implements DWAddonInterface.
  2. Add the unimplemented methods and edit them according to your custom currency. You can use both Doubles and Integers, if you are not going to be using a method you can leave it as empty.
public class CustomProvider implements DWAddonInterface {

public void take(Player p, Double amount) {
CustomCurrency.take(p, 2500);

public void add(Player p, Double amount) {
CustomCurrency.add(p, 2500);

public void set(Player p, Double amount) {
CustomCurrency.set(p, 2500);

public Boolean has(Player p, Double amount) {
return CustomCurrency.getBalance(p) >= amount;

public void take(Player p, Integer amount) {}

public void add(Player p, Integer amount) {}

public void set(Player p, Integer amount) {}

public Boolean has(Player p, Integer amount) { return null; }

public String currencyString() {
return " exp";

public int currencyFormat() {
return 1;

public Double getCurrent(Player p) {
return CustomCurrency.getBalance(p);

public List<String> withdrawCommands() {
return Arrays.asList("xpbottle", "expbottle");

public Double minWithdraw() {
return 10;

public Double maxWithdraw() {
return 50;

public String layout() {
return "exp_default";

public String adminCreator() {
return "Server Name?"

public void reloadConfiguration() {

  1. Register the new addon. Use CAPS!
DeluxeWithdraw.getInstance().getAddonProvider().registerNewProvider("CUSTOM", new CustomProvider());
  1. Configure an item to use your new provider. Go into items.yml and set the provider. ("CUSTOM" in this case) Path: items.<item>.settings.provider

Addon List

Find official/unofficial addons for DeluxeWithdraw here.