📍 Note: You need PlaceholderAPI installed on your server in order to use placeholders.
%scyther_total_sugarcanes% - Total amount of harvested sugarcanes by the player.
%scyther_total_carrots% - Total amount of harvested carrots by the player.
%scyther_total_potatoes% - Total amount of harvested potatoes by the player.
%scyther_total_wheat% - Total amount of harvested wheat by the player.
%scyther_total_netherwarts% - Total amount of harvested netherwarts by the player.
%scyther_total_cocoabeans% - Total amount of harvested cocoabeans by the player.
%scyther_total_beetroots% - Total amount of harvested beetroots by the player.
%scyther_total_berries% - Total amount of harvested sweet berries by the player.
%scyther_total_pumpkins% - Total amount of harvested pumpkins by the player.
%scyther_total_melons% - Total amount of harvested melons by the player.
%scyther_total_bamboo% - Total amount of harvested bamboo by the player.
%scyther_total_honeycombs% - Total amount of harvested honeycombs by the player.
%scyther_total_all% - Total amount of all harvested crops by the player.
%scyther_lb_all_position% - Returns your position in the leaderboard for total harvested crops.
%scyther_lb_all_<number>_name% - Returns the name of the <number> player on the leaderboard. (e.g Putting 1 as the number will return the name of the top player)
%scyther_lb_all_<number>_amount% - Returns the amount of total harvested crops of <number> player on the leaderboard. (e.g Putting 1 as the number will return the total harvested crops of the top player)
Placeholders w/ HolographicDisplays
You need PlaceholderAPI, HolographicDisplays & HolographicExtension installed (or any other holograms plugin that supports refreshing placeholders). After you have all of those 3 installed on your server. Simply add your desired placeholder in any hologram line as well as a refresh placeholder from HolographicExtension.
For example: /hd create position &eHarvester Position: &6{medium} %scyther_lb_all_position%
will create a hologram called position with 1 line which will show your position in the scyther leaderboard.
📍 Note: There are currently no placeholders for crop-specific leaderboards. If you want to display top sugarcane and happen to use scyther for sugarcane crops only, just disable all other crops in the configuration and use the current leaderboard placeholders.